How online personality tests can change your life

(Who are you? pt.1)

Self awareness through Myers-Briggs

Before we can begin to improve ourselves, we first have to understand ourselves. 

What fuels us?

 What is detrimental to us? 

There is no universal handbook we can all follow that offers up all of the answers to suit every single human being. We are all individuals and thank goodness we are. 

For many years I believed that nobody understood me. I felt alienated from others despite being surrounded by many people on a daily basis. There were many causes to my feelings of disconnectedness, the main cause was being too connected.

I found that my key to feeling less lonely, was to spend more time alone…

I came to this confusing but life changing revelation by taking an online personality test. I had always been sceptical about these kinds of things. Being a true cynic - dismissive of what I didn't understand - I grouped personality tests in with all of the other ‘rubbish’ I was ignorant to such as meditation or yoga or [insert reputable practice here].

So for once, I tried something I didn’t wholly believe in… 

 It changed my life.

I took an online Myers-Briggs personality test. 10 minutes of answering questions with answers available ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. 

The results were in. 95% introverted!

It couldn’t have been more obvious. When I was a child my mother would try and get me to make friends and play with other children and I would refuse. Despite this perceived difficulty, I was a very happy kid. Why? Because I spent a lot of time on my own.

Fast forward to my early adulthood and the pressure to be seen to be ‘normal’ and fit in with others lead me to being around other people most of the time. 

The unfulfillment of life grew within me. 

Living alone, I could keep the overwhelming nature of socialising at bay. Let the alcohol do the heavy lifting whilst in company, then turn my phone to silent the next day, pleading ignorance to it’s daunting vibrations. 

So, having moved somewhere a little further from friends and family, left a job with sociable requirements and learnt to really enjoy and seek out time alone, I have never felt happier. 

I implore you to garner an understanding of yourself through this personality test. It is regarded as one the most accurate of it’s type, is free and only takes 10 minutes to complete. 

Like me, you may find that you are much more of an introvert than anticipated and you will benefit from more time alone. You may find you are more extroverted and would flourish from more time around others.

The test is not limited only to this Introversion/Extroversion scale. It has many different indicators and will supply you with a 5 letter code (I am INTJ-T) to better understand your personality type. There are 16 different main types and each one is described clearly and simply. There are strengths and weaknesses to your personality type for you to improve in areas which you desire. They also offer advice on how best to structure your days for you to flourish in life. 

Even if you don’t wish to better yourself or don’t want to take on the task right away, it can be a fun game to compare types with friends and family. From there you can support each other in making small changes to daily life if required. 

Answer the questions as truthfully as possible, even if the answers make you feel ashamed. Answer them as the person you are, not the person you want to be.

The person you want to be is waiting.

Get to know them better.

You can take a free Myers-Briggs test at 


How online personality tests can change your life