How online personality tests can change your life

(Who are you? pt.2)

Self Awareness through the Enneagram

So you understand yourself, that’s great.

But how healthy are you?

I don’t mean go to the gym, get your 5 a day, ‘don’t drink during the week’ healthy. I’m referring to the health of your personality. The health of your emotional inner being as opposed to your physical health.

This is not just limited to whether you feel generally content in your life or whether or not you have suffer from any mental illness or trauma, it is much deeper but also much simpler than that. 

The Enneagram test assesses the participant (in the form of a series of simple questions much like the Myers-Briggs) and places them into one of nine personality types.

Nice and simple to remember, you are given a number from 1-9 corresponding to which type you score highest on. Within each type there are two smaller subsidiary groups depending on which ‘wing’ you score highest on. This is perhaps more simple than I am able to convey in words. 

So, once you have your number, there is tons of info on how your life looks from the very healthiest version of you to the unhealthiest, neglected version. This again ranges on a 9 point scale within each of the personality types. There are even famous examples of your number.

In the relatively small sample group of people I have compared results with, there is such an array of different types and it seems that there is no common type, although some numbers do seem to be a little more rare.

I myself am a 5. An investigator (There are also little titles given to better help us understand the numbers). I essentially live a lot of my life in my own head and that leads to a disconnect between my thoughts and feelings. How healthy do I sound!

From your results there are many steps for growth which you can take. They are amazingly simple steps but obviously do not come naturally to you so may seem quite difficult to achieve in the beginning. 

For a concise but all encompassing overview of each of the 9 types and the enneagram test itself, I recommend reading ‘The road back to you’ by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile. It is an excellent book which I refer back to you regularly in times of need. 

Understand yourself, make better choices and live a more fulfilled life.

I suggest taking a free online Enneagram test at:


Once you have your number and your wing, you can find a wealth of information about your specific type at:


I also recommend, for a deeper understanding, to read the book I mentioned above, ‘The road back to you’.


This one question saved my life


How online personality tests can change your life